16 Stoddart Street

Newcastle upon Tyne


Daily 10am - 5pm

Original paintings by Garry Courtnell at The Biscuit Factory.

Garry Courtnell

Garry Courtnell's practice is largely based on expressive landscape. Garry paints in oil and acrylic, finding inspiration from places visited, remembered or simply imagined. Garry has been a practising artist & photographer for 25 years although over the past few years has concentrated mainly on painting, receiving much acclaim for his exhibitions in York, Newcastle upon Tyne and his hometown of Hartlepool.

Lake Approach by Gary Courtnell | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Lake Approach


We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.

More info here
Reaching TreeSold

Reaching Tree

Red Cloud by Garry Courtnell an original landscape painting. | Contemporary landscape paintings for sale at The Biscuit Factory NewcastleSold

Red Cloud


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Forest Path by Garry Courtnell an original landscape painting. | Contemporary landscape paintings for sale at The Biscuit Factory NewcastleSold

Forest Path II
