16 Stoddart Street

Newcastle upon Tyne


Daily 10am - 5pm

View and buy original landscape paintings by Graham Rider at The Biscuit Factory. Image shows a painted beach scene with tufts of green and yellow grass amongst the dunes.

Graham Rider

Graham is a landscape painter, who has been practicing for over 40 years. With particular focus on the hinterland between land and sea, Graham’s work aims to capture the feeling of standing within the scene itself. His style of painting is more impressionist than photographic; conveying that which cannot be seen and directly represented in realism – the softness of the sand and the rustle of the grass.

Over the years, Graham has completed various commissions such as a triptych of Liverpool St Station for Railtrack (a project that now hangs in the National Railways Museum) and a painting of Covent Garden for Guardian Royal Properties.

Amongst the Grasses by Graham Rider | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Amongst the Grasses


We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.

More info here
Still by Graham Rider | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle


Morning Tide by Graham Rider, an orifinal painting of a coastal tide on the beach. | Original landscape paintings for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Morning Tide


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Twilight Blood Moon by Graham Rider, an original painting of a beach under a red moon. | Original landscape art for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Twilight Blood Moon

Venus and Jupiter by Graham Rider, an original painting of coastal sand dunes. | Original landscape paintings for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Venus and Jupiter


BLOG: In the Studio / Rosa Luetchford

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